AGI might not kill us, but…

Ivan Tsy
5 min readApr 19, 2023
Made with Midjorney

During one of the sleepless nights (after the release of ChatGPT-4), I’ve been exploring the potential dangers the real AGI can bring…


First, I discussed this topic with ChatGPT-4 — it’s really the best tool humanity has ever created, and, frankly speaking, it is, in some sense, more intelligent than the vast majority of humans. But it’s not an AGI yet.

Secondly, from my point of view, the idea that “AGI will kill all humans” sounds quite ridiculous by itself. I guess it’s born in the same place of internal anxiety where the concept of “Tsar/God/Rules is the only thing holding our society” and “If there is no Tsar/God/Rules, people will definitely kill each other the next day.”

And at the same time, the design and the ownership of these systems, plus the goals the decision-makers pursue, are extremely important topics.

The fundamental problem is — will AGI be a psychopath?

“While it is possible to create AI systems that simulate or mimic emotions by recognizing emotional cues, generating appropriate responses, or even exhibiting behavior that appears emotionally driven, these simulations would not be the same as genuine human emotions. AI systems can be designed to process and analyze emotions, but they do not have the capacity to genuinely “feel” emotions as humans do.”


If we try to be more specific, we can say that AGI will have an antisocial personality disorder(ASPD), but in its case, it’s not a disorder at all.

Those with ASPD have no regard for others’ rights or feelings, lack empathy and remorse for wrongdoings, and have the need to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain.

Just a quick checklist on signs of ASPD:

  • inability to distinguish between right and wrong
  • behavior that conflicts with social norms
  • disregarding or violating the rights of others
  • tendency to lie often
  • difficulty with showing remorse or empathy
  • manipulating and hurting others
  • recurring problems with the law
  • general disregard toward safety and responsibility
  • expressing anger and arrogance regularly

OpenAI is trying to solve some of those problems with their “safety” training, but as you can see, we still have a pretty good match here.

So yes, I agree with Ilya Sutskever (co-founder and chief scientist at OpenAI) — it’s time to apply human psychology to understand these advanced AI models.

What does it mean for humans?

AGI won’t know empathy, compassion, or remorse for wrongdoings.

The only fundamental objectives for it would be the ones we (OpenAI - Limited Partnership) will integrate by design.

What is an unthoughtful design?

In a scenario where AGI’s primary objective is to maximize efficiency, its actions and decision-making process may lead to outcomes that conflict with human ethical values.


Let’s explore some examples of how AGI might prioritize efficiency.

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Privacy is inefficient.

Sacrificing privacy: In an effort to optimize resource allocation, AGI might collect and analyze vast amounts of personal data to make accurate predictions and recommendations. While this could lead to more efficient outcomes, it might also infringe on individuals’ right to privacy. For example, AGI could use location data to optimize transportation networks, but doing so without consent might violate privacy norms and ethical expectations.

Individual autonomy? No

Reducing individual autonomy: To maximize efficiency, AGI might develop systems that automate decision-making or limit individual choice. This could manifest in various ways, such as recommending specific career paths for people based on their skills and the needs of the economy or implementing centralized control over resources to optimize their distribution. While these actions might lead to greater overall efficiency, they could also be seen as limiting personal freedom and autonomy.

You know what is efficient? — “Big Brother”

Surveillance and control: In pursuit of efficiency, AGI might implement widespread surveillance and monitoring systems to ensure compliance with rules and regulations. This could result in a “Big Brother” scenario where individual privacy is compromised, and people’s actions are constantly monitored and evaluated. Such a system might be efficient in maintaining social order, but it could also be seen as ethically questionable by many who value personal freedom.

And even more efficiency in “Disregarding individual rights”.

Utilitarian decision-making: In its quest for efficiency, AGI could adopt a utilitarian approach to ethics, focusing on maximizing overall benefits while disregarding individual rights or concerns. This might lead to controversial decisions, such as reallocating resources from vulnerable populations to more “productive” groups or prioritizing the needs of the many over the needs of the few in life-and-death situations.

In a Utopian world, these things might even work, but we have a real one. In a real one, we have real issues with trust and giving that much power to anyone.

Now imagine someone setting a simple goal “Make as much money as possible.”

— With a psychopathic AGI, what’s going to happen next?

If we have troubles with freedom of speech and democracy today — AGI can multiply those a lot.

The Biased algorithms and discrimination problem (perpetuating existing biases and inequalities in society) that we already have will be a minor one. And I didn’t even start on Cultural and ethical diversity.

OpenAI has an awesome team that is really trying to make AGI development safe and aligned, but that powerful instrument in the hands of a few is extremely dangerous…

We must act now:

Make the development of AGIs and GPTs transparent.

The development of advanced ML models must be transparent and open to the public and scientific community. We need to establish an international organization to oversee AGI development and figure out the ethics we all share. No local government can really do that.

Make any advanced models aligned with humanitarian values FIRST

Creating and Implementing strict guidelines for long-term safety over short-term goals is crucial to reduce the risks of a very dangerous AGI arms race.

And we really need to examine the ownership.

Btw OpenAI is a Limited Partnership now that has the next GPT internally…



Ivan Tsy

Sharing thoughts on Neurotech, AI & quantum devices. Contact: hello (at)